Training on Damage Assessment with Geodata

Training on Damage Assessment with Geodata

About event

Advanced training on using Satellite Imagery and Geospatial Information Technologies to Support Cultural Property Protection in Ukraine

The training was organized according to the Lviv Culture Hub’s workplan in the framework of the Japan-funded project “Support for Ukraine in Culture and Education through UNESCO: Emergency Response for World Heritage and cultural property: damage assessment and protection”, and with the support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).

At the end of the training participants increased:

•  Familiarity with datasets (including UNOSAT products) and data sources for satellite imagery.

•  Knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of multispectral imagery and radar.

•  Ability to identify cultural heritage in imagery.

•  Ability to independently conduct damage assessments and produce maps.

•  Capability to collect evidence and report damage to UNOSAT and UNESCO using Geospatial Information

•  Familiarity with required Technologies (GIT).
